Human Resource Development Planning

Management of human resources

Human Resources (HR) is a man who works in the environment of an organization (window called personnel, manpower, worker or employee).
Human Resources is a human potential as a driving force in realizing the organization's existence.
Human Resources (HR) is a potential which is a capital asset and serves as a (non-material / non-financial) in business organizations, which can be transformed into the real potential (real) physical and non-physical in realizing the existence of the organization.

Mary Parker Follett

Human Resource Management is an art to achieve these goals organisas imelalui setting other people to carry out various jobs as needed, or in other words do not do the work themselves.

Edwin B. Flippo 

Human Resource Management is the planning, organizing, directing and monitoring the activities of procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and release of human resources in order to achieve various goals of individuals, organizations and communities.

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Why every failure is always incised sense of disappointment and frustration, often we are through with great anxiety about the future is bleak.

But is there even a sense of disappointment goes itu.Semua failure can only be felt and is traversed by the owner of the owner failed itu.Sebagai human sense is not enough to test one or two of the Most Perkasa.Yang name and it will definitely human trials of life, the most important sense disappointed it was not to be applied in terms of business in any form.
Of failure would have the desire to repeat the success next fight.

Not only can we navigate life that always fails, there must be a miracle if we think the humane treatment will not be able to, but there must also be a way to succeed and the gap somehow this second hour today this week this month this year even 10 years . Surrender will only make our energy drained away with an empty mind pipiran menentu.Jangan not force yourself to be soluble in the advent of failure only limited success in future life manusia.Cari boldly patted his chest with his hard and do not fall asleep and drift with despair.

Where lies ourselves if lost in the mind (FAIL), where lies our potential if only anesthetized by dissatisfaction with the self kita.Mana superhero life that cost so much and o no equal on earth ini.Manusia created with degrees and higher ability when compared to the creature creations lainnya.Terlalu our long silence with a utopian who never visit selesai.Percayalah us strive with all our hearts and minds will surely manifest all that we desire success idamkan.Jangan never give up keep trying even though it was thought to be impossible and not probably by the lain.Pasti no roads and it WILL ......................................!!!

Do not despair

Do not give up

      Turn Failure to Success In Energy

       One important factor that shows who the winner and who the loser is the factor of how someone is able to get out of the pressure and then rise from failure to failure. Failure is not regarded as a disaster that needs to be mourned over, but as a springboard to develop energy towards success. Many other factors that lead to failure, and almost everyone has experience with a variety of conditions attached to them. Just how we attempt to address such failures; dissolve in grief or get up and make it as energy pep in achieving success.

The Painful Failure of Abraham Lincoln

Have you ever failed?, This question may often we hear .., but how the shape of your failure?, How many failures you?. If you fail so much and try to hurt you see failures of abraham lincoln and take lessons from it.

Bankruptcy in 1831 in an attempt

In 1832, defeated in local elections

In 1833 again suffered bankruptcy

In 1835 his wife died

In 1836 suffering from mental distress such that almost hospitalized

1837, defeated in speech contest

In 1840 failed in the U.S. Senate election

Suffered defeat in 1842 to sit in the U.S. Congress

Lost again in 1848 in the United States Congress

Tahun1855 fails again in U.S. Senate

Tahun1856 lost the election for the seat vice president of the United States

Lost again in 1858 in the Senate

In 1860 finally managed to become president of the United States


Funny thing is ... when Abraham Lincoln became president he said, "It now dawns on me that I was destined for president". Why did he say so?, Seeing the struggle continues - the canal fails when run in a variety of ways, Eh .. fluke wrote nyalonin fitting for president succeeded hahha ... , However, the lessons that can be drawn is that the spirit of abstinence surrender that made him great, not position.

"The secret of success has been much discussed. Prayer, effort, endeavor, and Tawakal, is not it? "No, that will be discussed here is different. I have a different length of MONEY. What is it? Clearly, the extension of which will shortly be discussed will provide a more powerful impact.

I always discuss things in a different way, so even if you've read or know about MONEY as the secret of success, please read this article, at least will provide additional insight for you. MONEY I will discuss not Benediction, Business, Determination, and Tawakal. Then? Continue reading.
Secrets of Success begins with Benediction

Only an arrogant person who does not want to pray. No matter how we are, how smart we are, no matter how much capital we have, if God does not allow us to be successful, then success will never come. Benediction is the secret of success. Even God is angry with his servants who do not want to pray.
Whoever does not (ever) pray to God that God was angry with him. (Narrated by Ahmad)
By praying, we must be successful. Can be successful in accordance with what we expect. It could also be converted into savings hereafter, or it could be avoiding us from disaster. So prayer is never wasted.
No one prays to God with a prayer, but the granting of, and he obtained one of three things, namely accelerated terkabulnya him in the world, saved (saved) him up in the afterlife, or replaced to prevent them from disaster (disaster) similar. (Narrated Ath-Thabrani)
So how to keep our prayers answered? We need to deepen again how to pray. Do not just recite the prayer text, raising his hand. Benediction is the marrow of worship, because no system can the prayer had been answered, either way pray and pray the right time. There have been many books that discuss it. Please you get at your favorite bookstore.

Secrets of Success Continues With "Ultimate Determination"

This is one difference with the extension of the commonly understood. U and I became Ultimate endeavor. Why eliminate the business? In fact is not lost, Effort and Determination are the same.
What is Ultimate? Ultimate can mean "the greatest" or in English is called "the greatest". That is the secret of success it must present the greatest effort. Not perfunctory effort.
"I've been praying and trying. Why not work as well? "
Berdo'anya correct way? Please deepen knowledge about praying?
The extent to which your business? Whether you're doing the best? Already learned knowledge? Please increase the quantity and quality again your efforts to become ultimate endeavor.
Ultimate endeavor it is hard work.
Verily Allah Ta'ala pleased to see His servants struggling (tired) in search of sustenance is halal. (Narrated by Ad-Dailami)
Allah gives sustenance to His servants according to the severity of events and the willingness and ambition. (Narrated Aththusi)
Ultimate endeavor that is skilled or master what you do.
Verily, Allah likes the servants who work and skilled (professional or expert). Anyone struggling to make a living for his family so he's like a Mujahid in Allah Azza wajalla. (Narrated by Ahmad)
This means that if you're still trying to work a minimum, then do not get your hopes up. You will get fit with your business.
God may indeed give what is asked for in prayer without effort, but God tells us to tend.
Verily Allah does not change the state of things so they change things that exist in themselves. (QS.Ar Ra'd: 11)

Secret of Business Success was accompanied by the resignation

"And whoever sole trust in Allah Allah will suffice (the need) it." (Surah Ath Thalaaq: 3)
What is resignation? Imam Al-Ghazali in his Ihya:
Resignation is dependent heart just told Al-Vice subhanahuwata'ala alone.
So it just depends on God, not to others, including businesses. We try as commanded by God, but that does not mean businesses that decide the outcome. Man just trying, God disposes. God's right to give results, whatever, according to the will of God. Could be the same as what we expect, could a little more than what we were expecting, can even greater.
Effort not to damage the resignation. Enterprises are looking tawakal physical activity is heart activity. As long as we do not depend on the business, the business does not damage resignation even an order.
Anas bin Malik, may Allah said: A man said to the Prophet: "Do I tie my camel and sole trust or I leave and sole trust?" The Messenger of Allah said: "Tie and tawakkallah!" (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi and by al-Albani dihasankan ).
If your sole trust God with resignation the member rizki He certainly true to you as it gives good luck to the birds that fly in the morning in an empty stomach condition and return the afternoon with a full cache. (Tirmidhi from Ibn Umar Khottob)
Hopefully, we can all practice the secret of this success.



Our energy is Hard Work

In: News
17 Nov 2009
Kerja Keras Adalah Energi KitaIn life we will find at least two things: hard work and energy. Hard work is something that we do business in order to achieve what we want in life. Without the hard work and just lazing would be very difficult to achieve our goals. While energy-something we need to support the hard work that we do in order to achieve perfectly. For that reason, the actual energy is Hard Work We realize that sometimes we do not. Just as humans are always supplying energy, Pertamina an oil and gas company owned by our country Indonesia has always tried to do the best in providing energy resources so we would need. Awareness of Energy is Hard Work We should we develop.
As we all know PT. Pertamina is one of the largest oil companies that we have. With all the effort and all of its subsidiaries that is certainly intended for the benefit of us all. Companies that try to uphold that Hard Work Is Energy We have our full support.

Hard Work Is The Mighty Energy

One that we never escape the everyday life of the Pertamina fuel (fuel oil). How could I not?, Nearly every citizen (people) in this country have a motor vehicle, the vehicle certainly requires energy in the form of fossil fuels. Until now Pertamina able to fulfill it. This year at the age that Pertamina to-52 years. At each increasing age must always be no changes made ​​to the progress that can be given to us all by Pertamina. In order to meet the expectation to continue to be the best and be able to contribute to the development of the nation, the spirit of Pertamina foundation work with a creed Hard Work Is Energy We as a reference attitudes and behavior (motion) ahead to more advanced and prosperous.

That energy is what?

Energy is the ability to do work or energy (power) that can be used to perform a variety of process activities (general dictionary Indonesian language). The energy that comes from within will provide greater strength and sturdiness. Energetic people who are passionate or have a high work ethos.

ndicate the soul of our hard work to realize the hard work is energy that we have not thought of us before.

Hard work is the embodiment of all our energy. Anyone who has the energy (mainly developed from within) will be the most powerful capital and robust for a longer period of time. We never get tired with our energy. Hard work is a necessity, not a burden.
What has been done so far should Pertamina thankful together. Pertamina has contributed to our lives and help provide the energy we need. A wide range of programs as an example of the convenience provided Pertamina must Pas program that is now very familiar and completely accepted by society in ensuring outstanding service and a definite size. An embodiment of the business as Energy Hard Work Is We. Creed is completely unacceptable and convince our people to believe in what you are doing Pertamina.
Then how can we appreciate the hard work of Pertamina. We can do business using the right fuel, we meet the requirements to purchase fuel at filling stations (Pom) gasoline. We as human future could have ethos of work as done by Pertamina. We come to realize energy Hard Work Is We in ourselves. Given that we will enter the era of markets and free trade, then we are all looking forward to Pertamina, to work harder, to take place more effective and efficient in producing oil and gas that can be cheaply and compete, and no longer need subsidies from the government (state budget) . Thus the people and this nation will be more prosperous and prosperous. Hopefully.

rainbow of Life

The phenomenon of the Sun Ring Rainbow this afternoon on the first Tuesday in 2011 is clearly visible in the sky visible Yogyakarta and other cities in the surrounding area. After noon coincidence father had just returned from the post office and told me that was when another queued rice tickets, the people out of the building, he would see the light of the sun surrounded by a rainbow. Lha why baseball send SMS, I'll be Inyong photos, unlimited phone use

O yes I forgot, sir-e does not carry a cell phone. And with direct access to the page Detiknews curious, oh it turns out it's true what they told my father.

The phenomenon of the Sun Ring Rainbow's exactly what happened at around 11:15 pm and judging from Baciro yes Cetho welo welo, some friends who are in Magelang was able to watch the rainbow framed clearly without the use of microscopes or any advanced equipment.
Here's the beauty of a rainbow circled the sun photo that I took from

photograph the sun picFenomena rainbow rings rainbow ring as shown in the language of technology called a halo, which occurs due to the reflection of the water vapor from the atmosphere as well as the video of four solar mystery that occurred some time ago.

Another natural phenomenon that happened in jogjakarta when a few months ago, there were red straight line that divides the sky to the west before the small earthquakes around Jogjakarta.
Some time before the tsunami in Mentawai, the phenomenon rainbow circled the sun can also be seen clearly in the sky Mentawai. And when it appeared in the sky Jogjakarta, some people associate with the event in the Mentawai.
Hmm .. I do not know, I was thinking if the issue is if the outing (second time) gayus to singapore is true, then the rule of law in this country is very questionable where they lead, what do I need that to intervene to resolve it? wkwkwk ..

Yowis, want to hang out on the roof first, who knows there gayus boarded a plane to Singapore angel come down from heaven, after the appearance of sun rainbow ring

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